Personalizing Foods to Detox Pathways
The Detox Food Plan focuses on incorporating natural and whole foods to support, modulate, induce, or inhibit various processes related to optimal detoxifi cation and elimination. When making dietary choices to support detoxifi cation, it is best to choose the Therapeutic Foods within each food group to maximize the medicinal effects.
General Nutrients to Support Metabolic Detoxification
Various nutrients are required to fuel the process of detoxifi cation. A shortage or defi ciency of any one of them could mean an increased body burden of toxins.
Phase I and Phase II Detoxification in the Liver
For individuals with genetic variability in cytochrome P450 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or the first line of defense against toxins in the liver, referred to as phase I detoxifi cation, foods that improve phase I metabolism and phase II conjugation are recommended. Such foods are referred to as “bifunctional modulators of detoxifi cation,” meaning they have the ability to address both phases of detoxification.
Plant foods, such as most vegetables and fruits, have this important characteristic, especially cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and watercress - see the Brassicales on the Food List), garlic, onions, soy, pomegranate, artichoke hearts, citrus fruits, berries, green tea, and herbs and spices (e.g., turmeric). High-quality, lean protein is a must for facilitating phase II conjugation.

Img src: IFM Detox Food Plan Comprehensive Guide, page 18.

Plant foods, such as most vegetables and fruits, have this important characteristic, especially cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and watercress.